- The Truman Trauma System provides an anatomically correct simulated human torso together with the renowned AirSim head for training the full range of airway management and resuscitation skills.
- The Truman Trauma System features replaceable tissues which help provide each trainee a lifelike and unique surgical experience.
Ideal for training on:
Chest tube insertion:
- Recognition of correct position, surgical incision, blunt dissection through chest wall, perforation of pleura, and finger sweep.
- Anatomically accurate chest tube insertion in the 5th intercostal space.
- Realistic feel of all thoracic palpable landmarks.
- Cavity for introduction of optional liquids for simulation of haemothorax or pleural effusion.
- Optional economy or premium chest tube inserts to demonstrate incision. The economy option consists of one solid layer and is a low cost solution for training e.g. for use in ATLS courses. The premium product has a three layered tissue representing skin, fat tissue and muscle for “real feel” surgical incision.
Needle Decompression of tension pneumothorax:
- Option to introduce air to create either right or left tension pneumothorax.
- Needle decompression replacement tissue sets located in 2nd intercostal space at mid clavicular line.
- Successful needle insertion will release air with the familiar “hiss” sound.
- Durable replacement tissue which will facilitate up to 30+ needle incisions.
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR):
- Realistic chest structure allows for easy identification of all anatomical landmarks.
- Full head tilt, chin lift and jaw thrust capabilities to allow the students to prepare the airway prior to resuscitation.
- Lifelike recoil during compressions.
- Successful ventilation will provide an accurate representation of chest rise and fall.
Airway Management Skills:
- Anatomically accurate oral and naso pharyngeal AirSim airway.
- Larynx piece with palpable rings for both surgical and needle Cricothyroidotomy and percutaneous tracheostomy.
- Full use of supraglottic devices.
- Endo-tracheal tube insertion with direct laryngoscopy.
- Effective bag mask ventilation.
- Single lung isolation capabilities.
- Combi tube insertion.
- Naso gastric tube insertion techniques.
Identification of tracheal deviation and jugular vein distension which are warning signs attributed to tension pneumothorax:
- Jugular vein distension can be observed on either the left or right side of the neck during tension pneumothorax.
- Tracheal deviation can be palpitated and clearly visible moving away from the side that has tension pneumothorax.
- Both features revert back to neutral upon successful needle decompression.
Package components:
1 Black carrier case
1 Shipping brochure
1 CD user manual
1 Bottle of lubrication
2 Needle decompression inserts (as supplied on manikin)
2 Chest tube inserts (as supplied on manikin)
3 Overlay neck skins (1 supplied on model and two spare)
*Available with an additional difficult airway (DA1 or DA2)
*Available with an additional option of breakaway teeth
Truman Trauma System is designed for teaching medical professionals the necessary skills for dealing with a range of life threatening trauma situations including:
- Chest Tube Insertion
- Needle Decompression
- Airway Management
- Tension Pneumothorax.
- Replaceable Combo Larynx
- Sealing Tape
- Subcutaneous Fat Tissue (pack of 5)
- Needle decompression inserts (pack of 2)
- Chest drain inserts (pack of 2)
- Overlay neck skin
- roll of airway sealing tape
- combo larynx cover (as supplied on manikin)