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Simulators  -> Surgery   -> Curettage, Snip & Shave Excision Pad
- This pad combines a number of skin lesions for teaching superficial dermatological lesion removal techniques.
- Cost effective pad (large) comprising: 4 skin tags, 4 naevi and 4 seborrhoeic keratoses (small pad has 2 of each)
Pad material:
- stretches to allow realistic extension of the tissue surrounding the skin tags, during snip excision
- stretches to allow realistic extension of naevi during shave excision
- allows seborrhoeic keratoses to be removed using curettage technique
- large pad 145mm x 125mm
- small pad 125mm x 72mm
- Use with Skin Pad Jig Mk 3
- Snip excision
- Shave excision
- Curettage